Saturday, August 29, 2009

Friday August 28th

I had to get up early to take lauren and her stuff to kirkland. As Lauren hugged monica (the doctor she had been living with in bham) i was feeling much gratitude toward that wonderful woman that did so much for our family and especially our daughter these last many months. On the way to Kirkland we stopped at home to pick up a few things, one of them being a card from the staff at the womens clinic where mare worked. It had close to $400 in it to help her pay forbooks. I will be eternally grateful to all that have helped us but these people have hearts that are incredible. They clean our house, fix us meals, give us gifts and so much more. It is a testament to the impact Marilyn's precious soul has on those that get to know her.

Lauren will be staying in a on campus apartment with three other girls, one of them being a childhood friend pictured here - kara koenig. Lauren is the independent type and this will be a big adjustment for her. I am so glad she will be surrounded by people of faith during the tough times that are ahead of us all.
Mare had a difficult day yesterday. She did get out to go to the eye doctor to get more contacts. She was very tired and laboured to breathe the rest of the day. She was a little anxious last night and i almost called the hospice nurse. She finally went to bed after our nightime routine of getting her comfortable while listening to the bible on her kindle (thanks aunt mona, that gift has been invalualbe). I kissed her head and she joked that she would gladly scoot over if she could to make room for me :) I took a mental picture of that cute little grin on her face as i wished her a restful and peaceful sleep.


  1. Oh, Jeff and my Mare. I was doing ok reading all the comments from yesterday until I read Rod Koenig's. Now the tears are coming as I write this. I know it's hard for you to hear the rest of us tell you how much you and your family have made an impact on all of us who love you. Maybe we think us telling you this will make it easier. I don't know..And is it for us or you? I can't help but being brutally honest with you and anyone else who reads this. You and Mare have inspired that in me. Marilyn is the only one in my life that I have known, loved and cherished for 35 long years besides my own family(I am 45 now). I am imaging that "cute little grin on her face" that you described, Jeff. Thanks for the image. That so describes the essence of who you are, Mare. I requested friday, 9/4, off so I could come out to see you again but the day was denied. I feel so isolated out here in Montana. I want to be with you, Mare. Is Jesus still carrying you through that warm and beautiful garden, Mare? Do you still have your arms around him? You asked me to prayer for your breathing. I am and I am and I am. When you get anxious don't forget the warm, beautiful and sunny garden, ok? Knowing you have that place helps me ,too. Did you get the candy necklace, yet? I already ate the blue and white one, not together. You're next.

  2. We are the ones who are eternally grateful....So grateful to call this wonderful woman friend. So blessed that she has touched my life in so many incredible ways. Praying everyday for healing!!!! Praying for strength and peace to help you all through. Love you guys Holly
